Friday, June 28, 2019

Debate Number 2

Democratic Debate Number 2 is in the books, and Chris Matthews called it almost correct.  Before the debate started, Matthews called for an all out fist fight between Sanders and Biden, and while no fists were actually thrown; there were many verbal punches thrown.

Right from the start of the debate, all the candidates took the stance of not directly answering any questions they were asked.  Sanders took 3 minutes to answer his first question.  Sanders' first question was whether or not his "Medicare for all" program was going to raise taxes on the Middle Class.  When Sanders was done with his first "vote for me and here's why" pitch, the moderators had to push Sanders to answer the question.  Sanders finally answered and his answer was "Yes, the middle class will see an increase in taxes."  Way to shoot down your election campaign before the first primary there Bernie.

Biden was off all night, until he was pressed on some issues by Harris.  All night Biden was doing his best to tout the "accomplishments" of when he was VP.  He had to defend a few points from his VP years.  Throughout the whole night Biden, was just off.  He did not "attack" any of the other candidates on the stage, however; he was the "punching bag" for many of the other candidates. 

One of the big questions of the night for all of the candidates, was whether or not their healthcare plans were going to pay for the healthcare for all the illegal immigrants coming into this country.  All ten that were there last night raised their hands.  All ten of the candidates, are willing to use taxpayer money to pay for the health of those who broke into this country.  While that may be good for your base, that will not win the votes of those who are on the fence of whether to vote Democrat or Republican.

Many of the people on the stage last night did not need to be there.  Two were Andrew Yang (who was not paying attention to the first round of questions) Huh?  Also Ms. Williamson, she must be from the "My rent is to damn high" party, because she was the very oddball last night. 

After last night, I still think that by fourth quarter of 2019 we will only have 5 candidates still in the running on the Democratic side.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Democratic Debate Numero Uno

Last night was the first Democratic debate.  As most conservatives guessed, there really were not that many "hard hitting" questions.  The debate was broadcast on NBC, which has been out to get any and all conservatives since Donald Trump was elected.  The funniest part last night, in my eyes; was the "hot mic" section.  If you have no clue what happened, well here you go: NBC came back from a commercial break (why, who knows), during the break they changed moderators, NBC forgot to turn off the mics of the previous moderators before the new moderators started asking questions.  Way to go NBC, way to show the world how unprepared you were for the Debate last night.

Few questions about healthcare and what a few of the candidates would change.  Most of the first hour was spent bashing the economy.  Beto, Warren, Castro, Booker all said that since Trump has taken office, the economy has turned to crap.  Do they not realize that the economy is in a much higher place than when Obama left office, the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P are all at record highs.  Paychecks are rising, although according to Inslee, noone has received a pay increase since 1980.  I tweeted this morning that I wonder how many of the candidate's paychecks are higher (those that are not in a government office, which is all of three from last night) since Trump took office.  After the whole "hot mic" incident, the questions turned to gun control.  Not one of the candidates that was able to answer the questions had anything good to say, a few of them came close to saying they were for confiscation of all guns.

Elizabeth Warren got the first question, and many other questions over the night.  It seemed like NBC had picked their candidate to be Warren during the first hour.  All of the candidates were talking over each other.  De Blasio was rude and needed his mic to be shut off many times.  A typical Democrat who was not getting his way, so he needed to interrupt, and try to talk louder than anyone on the stage last night.  Castro, reminded people who he was, and that he's Latino, and he can speak Spanish. 

The reason I titled this as Democratic Debate Numero Uno is because 3-4 questions were asked in Spanish and Beto, Castro and Booker all responded in Spanish.  Booker even had a "dumbfounded" look on his face when Beto broke out in Spanish first. 

The only one on the stage last night that even remotely towed the center was former Rep. John Delaney.  He was the only one that seemed to have any decent ideas, and that were not extremely left. 

I think by Friday we should start seeing some of the lesser candidates dropping out of the race, and i predict that by November we should have a clear front runner, with 4 others still in the race.  The Democratic Convention is July 13-16 2020.  If I had to guess my final five would be Warren, Biden, Sanders, Booker, and Castro.

I think Warren or Biden will come out on top and if Sanders truly wants to become President, then he will try to run on the Independent platform, which will only hurt the Democrats more.  This is going to be an interesting year until the Democratic Convention.  It's only going to get more, and more bizarre

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The ever so eloquent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been putting her foot in her mouth about once a week since she was elected 2018 for the State of New York for the 14th Congressional District.

Over the weekend, AOC; as she is most commonly referred to; started a feud with Amazon and Jeff Bezos.  AOC stated that Amazon pays their workers a "starvation wage" and came short of demanding that Amazon begin to pay their workers a "living wage".  Now, AOC obviously did not do her own checking before making these remarks.  AOC was one of the main reasons that Amazon decided to not build their second headquarters in New York City.  This second headquarters would have brought 25,000 jobs to NYC. 

Appearing on ABC's This Week, AOC stated that the only way Jeff Bezos was able to become the richest man in the world, was by treating his employees like slave laborers.  AOC continued on saying " if Bezos were paying his employees a 'living wage' and Bezos was still a billionaire then that's one thing, but if his wealth is predicated on paying his employees a 'starvation wage' with no access to health care, that's a major problem."

Well Amazon did not take kindly to these words from the Congresswoman from NYC.  Amazon released a statement that says the starting pay at Amazon is $15/hour and that is starting out at their fulfillment centers.  Amazon backed up their statement with facts (a little thing that AOC cannot quite figure out) saying that more than 42% of working Americans make less than Amazon's starting pay and all of our employees get top-tier benefits.

And another great gaff by AOC happened yesterday.  Through her Instagram page she told her followers that the U.S. is running "concentration camps at the Southern Border."

Since when does a sitting Congresswoman in the United States get to compare WWII concentration camps to our detention facilities?  We do not have gas chambers, we are not killing hundreds of thousands of people at these facilities.  This is way over the top and should not be permitted.  Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats need to come out and condemn her for even thinking about comparing those two things.       

Monday, June 17, 2019

What has been happening!?

Good morning...

It has been to long since I have updated this blog.  Many things have happened since my last post.

I decided to reopen this blog due to the fact that the Federal Government just seems like they cannot and will not be getting anything done for the next year and a half.   With the House Democrats dead set on impeaching the President, and they know for a fact that the Senate will not hold impeachment proceedings because the Senate is held by Republicans.  So that will go nowhere.

So we have a Lame Duck Congress for the next year and a half until the 2020 elections.  25 Democrats that are running for POTUS.  Did you notice how fast the Democrat party dropped Beto?  He was the new poster boy for the party even after he lost to Ted Cruz here in Texas, and now I barely hear anything about him running for POTUS anymore. 

As you can see there is a lot for me to catch up on.  Stay tuned, because this is going to be a fun election season coming up.  Also Check out my new Facebook page The Political Corespondent

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

One Week Post Election

Well it has been one week now since Obama won the re-election.  While I do congradulate him on somehow winning the election again, I do hope that he is true to his words from his speech.  He said that he wants to start working across the isle.  One way to do that is to call up Harry Reid and demand that he pass a budget in the Senate!  Another way that Obama can start "working across the isle" is to stop the attacks on the small business owners here in America.  The small business owners make up 70-80% of the job creators here in this country.  Lower business taxes equals more money in the market place.  Lower taxes equals more money to hire workers with.

There will be many changes in the coming years while Obama is in office.  Obamacare will fully kick into play in 2014, the IRS will become more over reaching than they are now.  Costs for everything are going to keep going up...gas will get more expensive, food costs are going to keep rising. 

I hope those that voted for him will be happy in 2 years when Obamacare fully kicks in and you will be forced to fill out a new IRS form telling them if you have healthcare or not, if no healthcare, then get ready to pay a fine.

Any of my liberal folks who have elderly parents who might pass away in the coming years, get ready to pay a higher "death tax" on their estates.

Those of you who are under 26, and still on your parent's healthcare, good luck paying for healthcare when you reach age 26 without a job. And if you think the government healthcare will be the end all HA! You are extremely mistaken.

Yesterday you liberals voted for 4 more years of high unemployment, 4 more years of government coverups, 2 more years of stalemate in Congress, 4 more years of a socialist agenda that will run this county further under the ground than we already are.

With Romney, America's head was peaking out from he bottom of a six foot deep hole, but now we are laying in a pine box and the dirt is about to fill up the hole.  It is time for the old Republican party to go the way of the DoDo and it is time for a new Republican party to rise from the ashes, just like the fabled Phoenix bird.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11/6/2012- The Day the Established GOP Died

"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."-President Ronald Reagan

"We have fought this fight as long, and as well as we know how.  We have been defeated.  For us as a Christian people, there is now but one course to pursue.  We must accept the situation."- Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate Army of America

Historically on November 6th, the Republican party has won every election since 1870, also the Republicans have won every election since 1940 after the Washington Redskins lost the Sunday before.  None these two things rang true yesterday.  Yesterday was a historic day, but it was a sad day for America as well.

Yesterday, the established GOP died.  The Republican Party had the election on a silver platter, and it was about to be placed in the center of the table for all to see.  The established GOP lost the election, due to the fact that they did not hammer down the facts.  I will admit that Romney was not the 100% perfect person, but he was 95% the perfect person.  Romney was not Reagan, Romney was not Lincoln, and Romney was not going to be the next George Washington, and I for one; do not see any of the qualities of the previous mentioned three guys in anyone, not even Christi.  The GOP lost the election yesterday, because they did not place Romney as a business leader.  Now I am from Texas, so I do not get to see the TV Ads like people do in Florida, Ohio and the other swing states.  Romney was the only guy that has the business experience, besides Herman Cain; that could have gotten America off the track that we are on and set us right.  

What the Democrat Party did and what the GOP needs to take a serious look at doing, is courting the young voter.  I am 31, not a young voter, but the GOP needs to go after the younger people.  The "Good Ole Party" should not be old white dudes anymore, the younger crowd needs to become more involved with in the next 2 years (Senate and House Races) in order for the Republicans to take control again.  The Republican Party needs to also realize that they will have to start playing dirty, I know many Republicans out there believe that we are better, or that we should take the "high ground", but that got us to another 4 years of Obama.  The Republican Party needs to embrace the Tea Party Movement more than what they have done so far.  The GOP needs to realize that the Tea Party is made up of Democrats, Republicans, Independents that are fed up with the way this country is going.  Now, let me be clear; I am not advocating for a third party, I am saying the GOP needs to embrace the Tea Party as their offspring.    

The Established GOP died yesterday, because they allowed the American Constitutional Republic to die yesterday.  As stated above the GOP had the election on a silver platter, but at 10:00 pm CST last night the court jester stole the platter and gave it to the Democrats.  The GOP needs to pick up their mouths and tongues, grab their boot straps and get ready for 2014.  As Abraham Lincoln said "America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."- President Abraham Lincoln.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Democratic National Convention

Okay folks I know I have been gone for sometime, but since the DNC started their little rally last night; I figured it was time for me to get back on and tell you my thoughts.

Last night the Democrats kicked off there rally in Charlotte with speeches by the Hispanic Mayor of San Antonio.  And while I was taught growing up to respect my elders...this guy looked like the Joker from the original "Batman" movie in the 1990's.  The beginning of his speech was good...and then it turned to the type of rhetoric that Obama said he wanted to quit using.  Mayor Castro said one line that is still ringing with me this morning...his quote was "We have to raise taxes on the rich, in order to pay off the deficit and debt."  If my memory serves me correct, I remember a young guy running for President four years ago stating that "I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office, if I don't I will be a one term President."

Mayor do you know that Romney doesn't get the middle class...Romney does understand that he could have lost all that he made and has at any moment.  Because that is what a business owner does.  The Romney/Ryan Budget cuts waist-full spending from the Democrats.  Mayor...remember Reagan?  His economy worked pretty well.

I could not stop laughing last night...Mayor Castro also stated that Obama has created 4.5 Million jobs, but..oh wait the Labor Department squashed that in the mud this morning by stating that under Obama only 300,000 private sector jobs have been created.

Mayor Castro...Obama has shipped more jobs over seas with his tax policies than any other President in US History...Romney/Ryan will lower taxes for small businesses and rich people and allow them to bring jobs back to the American shores.